Tuesday, September 05, 2006


This was an incredible weekend and even a good "Tuesday" (felt like Monday). Friday night Hallie visisted her dad and Ethan visited his grandma, so Randy and I had the night to ourselves. We ate with friends, went on a walk after dark and even made a midnight run to the 24 hour Sonic drive-in for some much needed ice cream. I swear, Randy and I cannot go two days without junk food. Anyway, we stayed up late, slept late and then picked up Ethan and drove to Cracker Barrel for a healthy breakfast of pancakes, grits, eggs and biscuits. Yes, food is my love language and it's a beautiful one at that. Anyhoo, the three of us went on a bike ride and then settled in to watch Auburn (#4...yeah!) stomp Washington State. Of course, Alabama won, too, but you can't have everything.

On Labor Day we took the kids to the Botanical Gardens and had so much fun. It was still a little warm, but it has definitely cooled down, especially at night. That evening we grilled out and once again dined on some really healthy portions of hotdogs, hamburgers, potato chips and cupcakes. Today Ethan and I did some much needed shopping for pants that don't end up around his ankles (the kid is skinny) and he was such a good boy.

This afternoon Hallie brought home her first progress report and not only does she have all A's, but all 100's or 98's. We are so proud of her! She is a very good reader and has picked up on math like a whiz. She is also about to test for yellow belt in karate and she is very excited. If it seems like it took a long time, you are probably used to hearing about Taekwondo where the ranks go much faster and are easier to obtain. In Shorin Ryu, it takes grown men training 20 hours a week 4 years or more to make brown belt (think Mr. Miagi). So, you can see this will be a great accomplishment for her after only four months. She says she is going all the way to tenth degree black, and we don't doubt it. When that girl sets her mind to something, she goes for it all the way.

Okay, I have to go do some writing that actually pays something society will exchange for goods. Here is a picture of the kids from yesterday. I hope all of you had as great of a weekend as I did!

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