Friday, May 19, 2006


Okay, I got a wild urge today to greatly reduce the stress in my life. Since the kids have to stay (kidding of course) I decided to get rid of some hair. It is way shorter than I expected, but I kind of like it. At least it won't take me 2 hours to dry it any more...hopefully.

Yes, this is a cheesy self portrait, but it gives you an idea anyway. I am still in shock that I did this. I hope I don't regret it in a few hours!

Thursday, May 18, 2006

So It Begins...

Wow, I cannot believe this is the last day of school. Hallie will be here any moment and I am really looking forward to having her home all summer. Of course, I am sure I will be ready for school to start again come August, but at least for now we have lots of warm (hot) summer days full of swimming, picnics, sprinklers, cook-outs and best of all, sleeping in!! The summer will also bring all the kids and a few vacations. We will be going to Florida on Saturday for 5 days. Here's hoping the RV doesn't break down this time! Hopefully the summer will also bring a little more time for writing, especially on my other blog. I am waaaaaaaaaaaaay behind on that one. I also need to focus on my poetry. It suffers greatly during the school year because it is so time consuming. I am hoping to have some more things ready for publication by the Fall. We'll see!

Well, I have to go wait for the bus. I hope everyone has a great day!!

Monday, May 15, 2006

Mother's Day

I had the best Mother's Day ever yesterday. Randy, being the sweet thing that he is, cooked an entire meal for our family and wouldn't let his mom or I help at all. The food was delicious and it sure was nice having the day off from the kitchen! I also received a potted palm tree and several smaller potted palms for the pool area. They look awesome! Here are pictures from our day.