Saturday, October 14, 2006

A Saturday...

This is a great day for a few reasons. The first and most important is that my best friend turned 30 today. That's right...Sally is now officially an old woman and in 21 days I will join her in her infirmity. I'm just kidding, of course. Thirty isn't really all that old, I don't suppose. It sure as heck sounded old about 15 years ago. I have to tread carefully here, though, since my other half is...well, let's just say he rounded this corner a few years ago. In all seriousness, I think entering our fourth decade of life is a positive thing, Sal. Maybe our mothers will finally forgive us for "that night". Okay, probably not, but we can hope.

The other significant event of the day is that Auburn whooped some Gator heinie tonight in what is probably in the top five best football games I have ever seen. Of course, seeing it in High Def TV added to the coolness factor, and other than being there, this was the next best thing. I know I was a little hard on them after their loss last week, but they played their hearts out tonight.

The rest of day had it's moments as well. Herman pulled himself out of his latest funk (and believed demise) to turn over his food dish and make a big mess. Way to go, Hermie. You're not going gently into that good night. Hallie played some wicked softball in the front yard. Ethan Skywalker saved us all from the evil emperor. Scott and I grilled some killer steaks for supper, and last but not least, Randy is doing the dishes at his insistence. What a guy! I think I'll go keep him company.

;) Night-night.

Sunday, October 08, 2006


Okay, don't even talk to me about the football game this weekend. Let me just say that after being beaten by Arkansas, we will be lucky to be in the top twenty. Excuse me while I go in the other room and scream.

In other news, Randy and I are having a little weekend get-a-way which has helped me put Auburn's devastating loss behind me ;) Hallie is spending 5 days with her dad which is the longest she has ever been with him or away from me. While I am apprehensive about it, I know this will be good for her. My dad wanted Ethan to visit for a couple of days so we took the RV down to Helena for some R and R. It is so beautiful here this time of year. Of course, where I live is beautiful as well, it's just nice to have a different perspective from time to time. It has been a busy time for us recently. I am sure, if you are reading this, you have noticed that my postings have become nothing more than a conglomerate of the various highlights of my extremely exciting day-to-day activities. I hope the sarcasm is coming through, because I realize that my material of late really isn't all that enthralling. Let me explain that I have had to concentrate most of my creative writing abilities elsewhere. Unfortunately, due to copyright laws, I cannot reproduce any of them here as of now, but I promise to add a little more excitement to Baby Breaths soon. For those of you who have read this far, I thank you for your patience.

Well, I must be man is waiting. I hope you all had a great weekend. I'll be thinking of you tomorrow while I'm sleeping in (wink, wink).