Well, the tiredness took its toll. The kids and I now have strep throat. After a day of various fevers, chills, sweats, and a throat that looks like something out of a horror movie I am finally on the mend....I think. I had to spend all day yesterday in bed while the kids, having hardly any sypmtoms, ran wild. Randy had to work from home. Scott had to stay home and help out. All because of me. Yes, I feel guilty, but I really had no choice in the matter. At least I got to watch four episodes of "Baby House" and cry every time a mother held her newborn. Yes, I am a sentimental goofball. Anyway, seeing babies always makes me want another one. I love babies. I LOVE them. I love children of all ages, of course, but babies make my maternal instincts go crazy. Their little eyes, little mouths, the tiny fingers, the late nights, the formula, every time they do something new....I love it all. And I miss it. I know that I should be content with having two children, especially since I have a boy and a girl. Especially since my husband is 46 years old and we have a total of 6 kids. It's great being able to do things and go places you can't go with a baby. It really is. There are tons of advantages to having your babies in your twenties. Now that I am an old woman of 30, why would I want to go through all that again? And the funny thing is, I really don't want to. I had horrible pregnancies, full of trips to the ER, preterm labor and don't even get me started on my birth experience. I just can't help it....I still love babies and I always will. Holding one turns me into a big bowl of mush. Go ahead and spit up on me. Pull my hair out. Yank my earrings....and look precious doing it.
Ah well, I suppose it's all part of God's plan to populate the earth. I know I don't need another child. I know I can't have another one anyway.
Wait a minute...how did I get from strep throat to having babies? Stream of Consciousness, people. That's what this is. It's actually a very popular form of writing. Haven't you read Faulkner or Joyce? Just call me Virginia Woolf.
This Saturday’s Recipes by The Pioneer Woman
4 years ago