Friday, March 06, 2009

Funtastic Friday

Wow....I've been really serious in my last two posts. I think that's enough for this week, don't you? I'm feeling rather sarcastic and witty today so I fully expect this post to reflect that. Or not. I try not to have too many expectations of myself. I actually get more done that way. I go from "Woo-hoo! I don't have to do anything today except eat milk duds and watch the Discovery Channel" to "Well, I could actually lay down on the couch if all this laundry wasn't here." to "I'll just fold some to get it out of my way" to "Wow. I just accomplished something. Hey, I can be productive." Usually the feeling of being productive is enough incentive to make me do something else that's not borderline absurd. Compare and contrast that to my other option. I go from "Oh my gosh! The living room is a mine field. I better get to work" to "Oh look, there's an unread piece of literature under this shirt I was folding" to "Wow this is a good book" to "Oh well, it's not like the laundry is going anywhere." You get the drift. Anyway, today has been rather uneventful so far. Other than Ethan's panic attack in the car because he forgot a book, there's not much excitement going on. Of course, that's usually a good thing since excitement in this family usually means someone has been committed to the local mental institution, vomited anti-matter on the carpet, or managed to completely flush their college career down the toilet. You know...those kind of fun events. But hey, who's complaining?

Today I am actually feeling an urge to visit Hobby Lobby. I am thinking about sewing Hallie's Easter dress this year. So what if I haven't sewn anything since 6th grade 4-H? I think I can do it....with Alex's help. Hey, she has time now! Making lemonade, people...I'm good at it.

What's gotten into me? Homeschooling? Sewing? Watch out...I may be baking our bread soon instead of grabbing it off a shelf at Publix. Maybe I'm just subconciously preparing for the economic pit of poop that awaits us all. Or maybe I am just becoming very resourceful. Or maybe I'm just having fun.

I think it's the fun thing, too, but heck, the other two just sound so much better. I won't tell if you won't.

Thursday, March 05, 2009

Truer Words....

"Lots of people support our decision to homeschool. Some are quietly guarded. Others think we’re mentally ill. I vacillate between all three myself. Believe me, if you’re shaking your head reading this, I understand. If you think I’m a nutjob, I totally get it. If you think my kids will grow up to be weird, you’re probably right. And if you think I’m a freak? You’re right on the money.

But you know what? It works for us."

I found this quote on The Pioneer Woman. I love it. She may have just become my personal hero.

Wednesday, March 04, 2009

On Fire

This is my all time favorite song. I just wanted to share it because it is so powerful. My favorite lines...

"When everything inside me looks like everything I hate,
You are the hope I have for change
You are the only chance I'll take..."
