Friday, September 22, 2006

Good News

Hey ya'll! Good dad is home and recovering. He is still in some pain, but we are relieved to learn that he has a kidney infection and prostatitis instead of something more serious. Thanks for all the hugs!

Well, after a stressful week the fam is off to Auburn for the weekend! We are going to (hopefully) see them stomp Buffalo and spend some time with our best friends. I can't wait to show the kids Toomer's Corner and Samford Hall. It's been so long since they've been there, they don't remember it at all!

I hope ya'll have a great weekend. Gotta go!! :)

Thursday, September 21, 2006

Sorry for the leave of absence...

...but lots going on here. We decided against buying the house, although we are looking at other options. Thank you very much for your prayers and concerns. They helped greatly, I'm sure, as we were able to make a quick, yet firm decision and haven't looked back. However, there are other issues at MIL who moved here after Ethan was born has decided to move back to Tuscaloosa due to some extended family issues, notably a diagnosis of lymphoma in her brother and then the death of his wife in a very short period. Her sister also needs her and she is really feeling pulled in that direction. All of this is fine, except that we are very close with her and it has been emotional for all of us.

Finally, my dad has been very sick and in the hospital. I am so very worried about him. I don't have time to go into it now, but he is with a specialist at the moment and we are awaiting some news. I am extremely close to my father and I would not know what to do if something happened to him. I have been through so many serious illnesses with my parents that I had really hoped we would have a few years of peace. Please pray for his healing.

Okay, I have to go. I will try to post later. Thank you to my loyal really make my day.