Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Better Late than Never...

Okay, I finally got the pictures from Hallie's birthday weekend downloaded. Here are a couple that show what a wonderful time we all had. I can't believe my baby girl is 9! That's halfway to 18. That's halfway to college. Scary!!! Anyway, enjoy these pics. They'll last longer than my little girl's childhood!

Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Your inner ear-your friend

Labyrinthitis sounds really cool, doesn't it? Well, it's not. While it may sound like the sequel to that David Bowie movie, trust's much less fun than that (believe it or not). I've spent the last 2 weeks dealing with varying degrees of vertigo as well as the side effects (zzzzzzzzzzz) of the medicine I have to take which is supposed to help. I suppose if you call falling asleep in a bowling alley, airport and various other public places helpful then it does it's job. Personally, I found it a little problematic. My stepdaughter visited from California but seriously, I hardly remember what we did. It's like a blur. I may as well have been drinking straight tequila all week. Actually, that's a pretty good description of how this whole thing has felt like. One long drunken stupor. I'm actually a lot better now but am wondering if and when this is ever going to go away comletely. Web MD says it can last 6 weeks or longer. Party on.

Monday, January 12, 2009


I got on my blog today to look for an old dessert recipe that I knew I had posted a few years ago. While searching for it I began to read some of my older entries. In doing so, I discovered a few things...

1. I haven't posted since last summer.

2. I could be wrong here, but I don't think anyone has really noticed.

3. I have a lot of freakin' posts on this thing covering various random topics.

4. According to my visitor tracker, I still have an average of 3 visitors a day.

5. To those three unknown people I have two things to say:
1.Thanks for your dedication.
2. Get a life.

6. I think I miss blogging.

7. I think I'll post once and see how it feels.

8. Feels pretty good.

BTW...the get a life commment was meant to be conveyed as lovingly as possible. Really!