Whew...what a week, or 10 days or whatever it has been. Between plumbing problems, a flooded basement, busted noggins, a trip to the ER, fevers of 102 and a husband that is out of town again, things have been a little crazy! We had a great visit with Marshall and a fun camping trip to my hometown. Well, that is until a game of "Monster Tag" ended up with Ethan's head colliding with the furniture in my dad's living room. Hey, I love my hometown but it's medical facilities leave something to be desired, however we had no choice but to utilize it. I've never seen a head bump like that in my life and I hope I never do again. It scared the absolute crap out of me. The whole way there (all 2 minutes) I had visions of neurosurgery performed by my ex husband's college roommate with my second cousin assisting. I mean he's a good doctor, but he's no brain surgeon, and I happen to know that my cuz didn't exactly ace nursing school. Thankfully it didn't come to that, of course. They did some scans and Ethan was fine, but it was still not on my list of fun things to do on vacation. The fun wasn't over, either. When we got back from the ER Hallie was gagging over the toilet with a fever of 102. Needless to say, I didn't sleep that night.
We returned from our trip all in one piece and jumped right back into things. Hallie recovered and no one else has gotten sick so far. I am in the middle of a bunch of genealogical paperwork that is driving me bananas. Ever since I decided to actually join the Cherokee tribe I have been up to my ears in it. Randy is on a business trip and I am so tired I can't see straight. I think it's bedtime. Here's a picture of Hallie and her fish she caught on our trip....before the infamous game of Monster Tag.