Wednesday, November 02, 2005

Happy Fall Ya'll!

Wow...everywhere I look I see beauty. The leaves are absolutely gorgeous. Every time I drive over the mountain I practically run off the road just looking at them. This is definitely my favorite season...the colors, the coolness, going into Christmas, the turkey and dressing. It's all good....

Well, Halloween was a blast even though I am still sore from walking 3 miles, the last two holding my almost 3 year old (alternating with my hubby anyway). I don't exactly live in a flat neighborhood and boy did I get a workout. One that was very much needed since I haven't had a regular exercise routine since...oh, Yeah, that needs to change. Not that I need to lose weight at all (nuclear metabolism), but I could use some muscle tone. Okay, I am digressing. I only have a minute, but it had been so long since I blogged I had to write something. I have a very busy week. Halloween, 3 birthdays (including my own...29 is upon me, yikes!), soccer games, soccer parties, church, music lessons, etc., etc., etc. Anyway, I know this is a really boring post, but I have to share this picture of my butterfly and Buzz Lightyear.
Have a great day!

1 comment:

Jana said...

How adorable! :) They're both so cute.

Happy Birthday week, too. Hope the 29th is a good one. Sounds like it's going to be a busy one, at any rate. Hope it doesn't wear you out too much.:)