Wednesday, November 23, 2005

Thanksgiving Fun!!

I love this time of year! October through Christmas is my favorite time of year. I love the colors, the smells, the excitement, and the FOOD. Turkey and dressing, sweet potato casserole with brown sugar topping, green beans, cranberry sauce, ambrosia and pralines washed down with several glasses of sweet tea is heaven. I am one of these people who wants to eat that very meal over and over again. Some people get tired of it after a few family gatherings, but not me! I love to cook it as well, so that is also helpful. As for the cleaning up afterward?....well, I could do without that.

This has been such a fun week with the three kids. They love each other so much and play together so well. Ever noticed how one boy is active but two or more together morph into cavemen? Just kidding...wild as it gets around here, we love every minute of it. Hey, when it comes to kids, it's the more the merrier around this house! Anyway, we have been busy painting T-shirts, making Christmas decorations, and today we will be decorating the tree. It's a little early, but we want to do it while Marshall is still here. Tomorrow we'll be heading out for dinner with the family and then soon after that the new week will begin with my little boy's third birthday! So, lots going on here...speaking of which, I've got to go!

Happy Thanksgiving!!!


k8 said...

happy turkey day to you as well!

Jana said...

Hope it was a great time!

I agree. This whole season is my favorite time of the year. It gets crazy and hectic but it's also fun and cozy and just gives me the warm and fuzzies. hehe