Monday, March 27, 2006

Back to the Land of Reality

Let me first inform you that I am writing this after a night of absolutely NO sleep. Not 3 hours, not one hour, not 30 minutes....NONE. So, if this makes no sense, cut me a break.

We arrived home last night at 10 p.m. and quickly shuffled the kids to bed. We were totally exhausted after 10 hours in a moving motor home and Randy and I went to bed as soon as we could. Unfortunately, Hallie could not sleep and I was up with her until 3:30 a.m. wondering why I had decided against medication again (?). Finally, she calmed down and went to sleep, but I was so worried about her that I could not. I finally just got up and started the day. Needless to say, she did not go to school today. She seems fine now, but I am stressed about bedtime tonight. It is tough knowing that I have genetically passed OCD on to my daughter. It is ten times harder to go through this with my child than myself. I have shed many a tear over this and although I know it could be much worse, I wonder if I am doing the right thing by not medicating her. A six year old on Paxil? I was a teenager before I entered the land of SSRI's. Admittedly, I waited too late, but it just seems wrong to start her on something that may be a lifetime regimen at such an early age. I don't want her to go through her childhood afraid like I did, though. Lord, help me. I need some guidance here.

Well, our trip was wonderful, despite our problems last night and my zombie-like state today. I will recover, though. I have lots of experience in coping with no sleep. Lots.

Family carriage ride through historic Charleston.

Living here wouldn't suck, would it?


Unknown said...

Docotrs say that when a parent suffers with OCD and passes it to their child that the child suffers more than the parent did at their age. You should really reconsider medication. I know it seems like you would be starting an early regime but think of it like will be easier for her to cope with daily life and she will be able to sleep. NO more fear and not only that but kids her age NEED sleep. They can't just function they have got to have sleep so that their little brains can work properly.

I didn't want Elise on meds but they have been a Godsend. She is doing 150% better than before the medication. Jana, I'm not telling you how to raise your children but I know from experience that medication at an earlier age can possibly help eliminate more severe problems in the future.

keep praying,

Jana said...

I'll be praying for you with this decision. I know you'll do what's in Hallie's best interest. You're too good a mom not to. (((hugs)))

And yeah, Charleston looks like it'd be a beautiful place to live. Too bad I don't like cities. lol

Melissa said...

May God give you guidance on this issue. It's hard to know what is the best choice; there are so many conflicting ideas concerning medicating children. My only advice is this: pray and trust that God will provide the answer for your family. Be sure you look to God for His answer, and don't spend too much time concerning yourself with the opinions of people who don't understand what you are going through.