Tuesday, March 07, 2006

Just a Quickie...

Whew...it's been a busy week and it's only Tuesday. I was without internet for almost 48 hours due to our lawn guy severing our cable with his tiller. Talk about withdrawal! I couldn't check the weather (no cable tv either), the school lunch menu, and I actually had to drag the phone book out to look up a number. Can you believe that? The horror. Anyway, it's back now and I am very thankful. Tomorrow my daughter won't have to suffer through vegetable beef soup and I can dress weather appropriately.

I have to go do my yoga, but I did want to update everyone. My husband's biopsies all came back negative...thank God! He is doing much better and so am I! Unfortunately, we are having some issues with Hallie and her dad that have kept me in knots for the last few days, but I don't have time to get into them now, so I will continue tomorrow. Good night!


Unknown said...

I was glad to read that all went well with Randy's tests! Praise God! I have been keeping you all in my prayers.
It must be frustrating to have to deal with an ex when there is a child envolved. I will pray for you. It can be very stressful I'm sure. Just know that there is someone out here keeping you in mind and in prayer!

Jana said...

Glad to hear that Randy's tests came back with good news. :-)

Prayers on whatever the situation is with the ex and Hallie. (((hugs)))