Tuesday, March 14, 2006

My Day and Other Things of Interest (or not)

Today was very tiring. I spent the entire first half of it in the hospital endoscopy department. My MIL has had several colonoscopies lately due to some suspicious findings and today was one of them. Bless her heart, the preparation for those things is horrible. If you don't know, just imagine taking 24 laxatives in 2 hours and then not eating for 24 hours. Yeah, my thoughts exactly. Ethan, who is her absolute favorite person in the entire world, has done a lot to get her up and moving. I swear, she just adores that child. They have such an awesome relationship and I am so happy about that. She really is an incredible person and she is not only my mother in law, but one of my best friends as well. How many people can say that! Not many that I know. Well, anyway, we were there for four hours for a procedure that takes about 30 minutes. Yeah, I don't get it either.

After getting my MIL home and in bed, I went to put Ethan down for his nap and put out my Easter decor and framed several pictures. Have I ever mentioned that I have taken over 10,000 pictures in the last five years? It's a good thing I have lots of wall space. I then had to take Ethan to get a very badly needed haircut. His hair has never been in such bad shape. It was so embarrassing that I put a hat on him so I could blame it on hathead. I just hate having it so short, but I have come to realize that I have no choice. My son inherited 3 traits from me and one of them is my curly hair. The other two are my ears and my dimples. In case you've never noticed, Ethan is my husband's clone... a fact that I (and he, of course) love.

Well, I just returned from MIL's house where I took her food and visited a while. I am exhausted so an insightful post will have to wait yet another day, and if you read this far, bless your little heart.


Jana said...

Hope your MIL's tests and everything came out alright.

I so hear ya on the 10,000 pictures. I've got a dresser drawer full of them. I seriously need some albums or something.

Hope today is a great day! :-)

Melissa said...

Wow, do we know about colonoscopies around here, thanks to that pesky family history. I'm 25 and have already had 3, at ages 14, 20, and 25. The prep is definitely the worst!

I hope her test went well. I said a prayer for her. Have a great day!