Sunday, March 19, 2006


School is out this week and Randy is going to Florida to film a piece on his company for a national news network (cool, huh?) so the kiddos and I are heading down to my mama's house. As many of you know, this could be an emotionally traumatic experience, so wish me luck!! I don't do this very often. I will be sleeping in my old room and old bed with some old, not-so-good memories. Please keep us all in your prayers. This filming is a very important event for my husband.

We are all heading to Charleston on Tuesday, so I am just going to focus on that! Since my mom has a crappy dial-up connetion, you won't be hearing from me for a few days. Have good ones!

1 comment:

Jana said...

Oh, hun, you totally have my prayers. Have fun in Charleston, though! :-)