Saturday, July 16, 2005

Comedy of Errors

Have you ever had one of those events where you perfect a plan, only to have circumstances intervene and say "hey, not so fast!"? Today was a perfect day for boating. The kids were at my parents so we could get a chance to catch our breath. There were a few clouds, but nothing ominous. So, we packed a cooler, donned our swimsuits and headed down to the marina. When we got there, we were expecting it to be clean since we paid someone to detail it this week. For some unknown reason, this individual who will remain nameless only rinsed off the outside of the boat leaving the cockpit quite filthy. So, we rolled up our sleeves and got to work. A few hundred spiderwebs and wasp nests later, we headed out. Our first stop was to fill up the gas tank. While sitting in the heat waiting for service, a marine policeman pulls up and says "Let's see your registration". logically we would have put that on the boat months ago, but logic can be overrated, right? So, a citation later, we head out again, undeterred by these events. Well, we didn't get very far. Five minutes into our trip, the motor starts behaving very strangely. It's about this time we decide boating wasn't in the cards for us today. Disappointed but not ready to give up, we dock and decide to go home and swim. After spending a few hours in the Alabama heat for a boat trip that didn't happen, cooling off in the pool sounded beautiful. However, nature had other ideas, since a steady rain began falling when we turned onto our street. My husband and I looked at each other quietly for a few moments. "Okay" I said. "Do you think a nap would be a realistic possibility or am I just expecting too much from life?" After laughing for a few minutes, we did just that, and it felt soooooooooo good. And guess what? We awoke just in time to swim the evening away with Hallie and Ethan. Even though things didn't work out like we'd planned, I still had all day with my sweet husband and that in itself is good enough for me. Its hard to have a bad day when you are as blessed as we are. I suppose today was just a testament to that!

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