Monday, October 03, 2005


It never ceases to amaze me how the Lord speaks through his followers. My husband's business partner and best friend is spending the week with us. He is an extremely spiritual man whose knowledge of the Bible is vast. His faith is unshakeable and this has always impressed me. He said last night that he is "more certain of who Jesus is and what he did than of his own existence." Since I am one of those believers who always seems to be struggling with something, when I see people who can lay it all before God without hesitation and who seem to be filled with his peace, it makes me realize how much more I could be experiencing. We had a long discussion last night about how faith grows by keeping your focus on Jesus instead of all the other things that occupy our minds. We should be investing more in the things that we can't leave behind instead of the things that we cannot take with us. This really made me think, and I have realized just how Satan uses my own weaknesses against me to distract my energies away from where they could do the most good. I found myself wanting more from my relationship with Jesus, I don't just want to believe, I want to have the passion for him and his teachings that I have for other things,, blogging for instance. I know that this cannot happen without effort from me. I know that in order to have this passion, I must pursue it even at times when I feel like doing anything but that. I am tired of the mediocrity I have assigned my spiritual life. It is not acceptable to me. So last night I had a long talk with God and I asked him to open my heart and give me the desire and the ability to turn away from wordly concerns and remember that his love for me is beyond my comprehension, and so are the gifts he wants to give me. I just have to be available to him for the reception.

Thank you, Lord, for the wonderful people you have placed in my path...the Blankshains, the Brashiers, the Halls, the Millers...and many others. They are all answers to prayer and I love them deeply.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Amen Jana!

Your post has really spoken volumes about the same things I've been feeling! Praise God for believers who share their revelations from God!

I too Jana, desire to have the passion for Jesus I once had. I remember having an overwhelming passion at one point in my life. Satan has taken our joy and like you said our focus has not been on Christ.
I too have been praying that God would restore my desire. My prayers are with you!

God Bless you and your family!