Thursday, February 23, 2006

Just a Jana Update

I am happy to report that a few changes are taking place in my life this week. I am beginning a new exercise program that combines yoga and ballet. It is a tough workout, especially in the abdominal and gluteal regions (if you don't know what that is, look it up.), but I am really enjoying it. I used to be a dancer (ballet, not the other kind) and a lot of it is coming back when I do these moves. I feel much more energized and healthy already. I just hope I can stick with it.

I have also begun eating breakfast regularly, which is a big change for me. Usually I am so busy in the mornings that by the time I have a chance to eat, the hunger has turned into an empty knot and I lose my appetite. After realizing that this is probably contributing to the brick wall I run into everyday at 1 p.m. I decided to do something about it. So, this Monday I began by toasting a couple of Kashi blueberry waffles while my son ate his Mini-wheats. Bad idea. I tried to explain that these weren't the "good" waffles that I fed him sometimes. These were "mommy" waffles, chock full of fiber, soy protein and other nutrients. Unfortunately, these notations did nothing to qualm his pleadings. So, on Tuesday I ate a bowl of high-fiber cereal instead. I think I'll eat the waffles when he's not looking. They really weren't too bad, if you like the taste of styrofoam. Of course, anything is good smothered in Aunt Jemima, isn't it?

The last change I have made this week is to join a group called It is a website dedicated to helping women declutter their houses and their lives. It helps you on this journey by sending you (very) frequent email reminders to form certain routines that help you stay on top of your duties as a mom and wife. It's a great idea and I have learned a lot so far. It has helped me with little things that I don't even think about but that desparately need to be done, like cleaning out my purse and taking 15 minutes to throw away/donate some things that are merely taking up space (i.e. my closet). Fifteen minutes isn't much, but when you do it everyday for a month, it reallys clears out some space. Or at least I am hoping it will. I have only been doing this for two days. The only part I cannot bring myself to do is wear shoes in the house. The idea is that wearing shoes, preferable lace-ups, puts you in a "get things done" mode and inspires productivity. However, I detest shoes and the first thing I do when I walk in the house is to kick them off. I am very uncomfortable in shoes and I don't think that's going to change. So, I am hoping you can be successful at this program without them. Anyhoo, it seems promising and I will keep you all informed of my progress. I know you are just tingling with anticipation.

Okay, gotta go shine my sink.


Unknown said...

WELCOME TO FLYLADY! I love it and eventhough I have struggled with doing my routines the past two weeks. I really love the encouraging emails they send out when you join the group!

I have needed the way to get organized.
So good luck and keep me posted on how FLYing is going for you!

Your Sister in Chirst,

Jana said...

Wow! Sounds like you are making some wonderfully positive changes!

And you know, I'm sooooo with you on the whole shoe thing. I hate shoes. If I could get away with it I'd take them off at work. Actually, I have done that a time or two with shoes that were rubbing blisters. lol

Here's to making all the changes stick! :-)
