Monday, April 10, 2006

Target Therapy

No, it's not a new breakthrough in treating mental illness. It's not some kind of psycho-babble for a form of cognitive or behavior therapy. It's exactly what it says. Target. You know, the store known all over the world for it's red circle logo and vast selection of items you really, really need and items you really, really don't need but that would look great in the guest bath? Need a laundry basket? Got 'em. Need organic strawberries? Got 'em. Need a digital camera? Got that, too. Need to feel better about yourself without spending tons o'cash? Well, . I don't know what it is about that store, but when I go through those automatic doors and reach for that red buggy, something happens. It's kind of like "Breakfast at Tiffany's" except there's no expensive jewelry or fine china and I am not Audrey Hepburn, no matter what my husband says. However, I do feel safe there. How could I not in the presence of every form of candy imaginable and clothes I can buy and not feel guilty about it later? I can wake up in the morning feeling like an ugly, horrible person and then somehow after an hour in the aisles of bliss walk out with a new pair of capris, a gallon of milk and a new point of view. How much does it cost? Maybe 50 dollars...and let me tell you, that's about 1/3 the cost of psycotherapy in the office where, I must point out, you cannot buy an icee that will turn your mouth blue and slurp it through a big red straw. There's just no contest. Target therapy is the only way to go.


Jana said...

Don't have a Target around here, but yeah. I'm familiar with the concept. I admit to indulging in a little retail therapy myself. lol My poison though, is CD's, DVD's and books. Oh and housewares. Don't know what it is about dishes and stuff but I could spend every dime I have on pretty dishes or pottery. hehehe

Happy shopping! ;-)

Unknown said...

You know a little known fact is that more women than are willing to admit partake in some form of Retail therapy!

I don't usually enjoy shopping but there are days when all I want to do is go to my Wal-Mart Super Center and shop for something pretty... My weakness??? CANDLES!I love cented candles and candle accessories. My husband really hates it when I'm having a bad day because I ALWAYS come home with a new candle.

It is good for us women to do something that makes us feel good about ourselves every now and then. WE are so busy taking care of our families that we often neglect our own -physical and emotional- needs.

So shop away Jana! It is good for you!
God Bless, Gidgit

Melissa said...

Target therapy is awesome! The one here has a Starbucks in the front, so I can indulge my caffeine obsession as I stroll around. The great thing about Target is there is a therapeutic aspect for every member of our family. I head to the housewares and clothes while Matt and Blake embark on a journey into the wild world of electronics, toys, and multimedia. We rarely exit the store without spending at least $50 to $75, even if we didn't intend to buy anything when we walked in.

My other shopping therapy destination: Sam's Club. I know, I know, it's not as pretty as Target. However, there is something about the vastness of the store, the abundance of the merchandise, and the silly glee of being able to buy a 5-pound Hershey bar. (Which I have never done; I'm just amazed that I could.) I walk up and down all the aisles, reveling in the selection of the ordinary and the things that make me say, "Why does anyone need a 10-pound can of nacho cheese?" I'm not one of those people that leaves with enough provisions to last the year. I buy 1 or 2 things, so I am a bit of an anomoly at the checkout. Yet, whe I have my receipt checked at the door and enter the world of bright sunlight again, I feel renewed. Yes, it's strange, but I love my warehouse club!