Sunday, May 07, 2006


For those of you who are wondering, I am still here. It's been a strange weekend. The kids are visiting their grandparents and Randy and I have been doing some spring cleaning, i.e. clearing out closets for a massive transport of stuff to the Salvation Army. Since we are having our interior painted in a few weeks, we really needed to reduce the amount of "stuff" or "crap", however you want to say it, in our house. Seriously, I had no idea the amount of things we own that we do not need in any form. I found my prom dress hanging in my closet. My prom dress, people. That was over ten years ago. What was I saving that for? Did I think I might throw that on and wear it out to dinner some time? Then there's the maternity clothes. Note to self: hubby had a vasectomy 3 years ago. I think we can safely say there will not be a need for those any more. I also found several other useless items: a busted VCR, half a package of newborn diapers, a half eaten box of valentine candy, a couple of old purses with pieces of petrified chewing gum inside, and several flip-flops without a match. Of course, that was just my side of the closet. Randy found all kinds of fun items, including some very "groovy" items of clothing. Needless to say, this project was way overdue.

It was really weird not having the kids around. Not only did I miss them, but I kept feeling like I left them some where. We'd be in the car and I'd turn around and panic for a second because they weren't there. I turned the monitor on at night and each morning I woke up thinking, man, they sure are being quiet. I know we needed this weekend, but I can't help but feel a little empty. I have never been away from them for more than a couple of days and even that feels like a long time. On a happier note, have any of you ever seen the movie Napolean Dynamite? Okay, this is the funniest movie I have ever seen. I have never laughed so hard in my life. I mean, this movie is genius. If you haven't seen it, I highly recommend it, but only if you ever had a Trapper Keeper, played tetherball, drew unicorns or ran for class president. If you didn't, this humor may be over your head.


Jana said...

It'd be waaaaay over my head then. lol Never did any of that stuff. ;-)

Glad that ya'll had a good weekend. I need to do the whole spring cleaning thing desperately. I've got one room in my house that is just depressing to look at cuz that's were I toss all the useless crap. lol Seriously, I cry when I walk past it. But I just haven't had the energy or the impetus to get in there and pack up and clean up all the mess. *sigh*

Rachel Richard said...

I loved Napolean Dynamite! It's so much fun to watch with a group of people. Although, don't watch it with your parents. Mine didn't get it and kept making weird comments like "I don't get it" or "that's not really funny". It kind of ruined the second viewing of it. If you did any of those things in the 80's-90's, then this movie is for you.

"You know, like numchuck skills, bowhunting skills, computer hacking skills... Girls only want boyfriends who have great skills."