Sunday, June 25, 2006

Summer So Far

It's supposed to be that slow time of year when the pressures are down and the days are so long you have trouble filling them with anything essential, so you end up buffering the dental appointments and ballgames with huge home-cooked meals, lots of homemade ice cream and long spells on the porch swing. Well, let's just say that around here, summer is the busiest time of year. Since I know you are all just dying to know how I've spent the last month, let me recap that for you.

After school was out in mid May, we took a family vacation to Destin, FL and visited with my best friend. It was the best trip the four of us have ever had. After we returned home, we had to live with my mother in law for five days while the inside of our house was painted. When we moved back in, I had to spend several days putting furniture back in place and obsessively scrubbing my bathrooms where the painters had marked their territory in classic canine style. About this time Marshall came for his visit and Hallie's Bible school began at church. The next week Ethan, Marshall and I had Bible school where high drama ensued when I didn't make enough bunny rabbit cookies to feed the adult volunteers. Yes, you read that correctly. Adults were complaining because they had to eat popcorn and drink water while the children got to eat "cool" snacks and drink grape Kool-aid. Baffling, huh? I've taught Bible school for 13 years and never once expected a snack. Hmm... Anyway, back to my summer. My stepdaughter, Jessi, came a couple of weeks ago and Marshall went back home last Thursday. We left for the beach Thursday afternoon and here I am, home again after an eight hour drive. Tomorrow Hallie starts art camp and Jessi goes home at the end of the week. The beach was fun, but we had to stay in Panama City, which isn't the best place to stay with kids...lots of drunk college students and bikers. We ended up driving into Destin every day to do stuff. It was kind of a spur of the moment trip. You know, it's a lot harder to entertain a 13 year old than a 5 year old. A trip to the Space Center was huge for the little ones. For a teenager that lives in San Diego where she has a moped, cell phone, laptop and horse, the Space center is just one big yawn. Don't get me wrong, Jess doesn't put these expectations out there, I do. I guess I just feel responsible for making every moment the kids are here sensational. I know that's not possible, but I can't help it. It's hard to only have them for such a short time.

I did have an excellent drive home today. I drove the van solo while Randy drove the RV and of course, the kids wanted to ride in it. That was fine. I needed some time alone. I can't remember the last time I was alone. It felt strange but wonderful. I took all the backroads and rolled the windows down. As the pastures and fields and silos went past I felt a strange stirring inside. I started remembering summers past and somehow it's all tied up with lightning bugs, creamed corn, fried okra, crickets, steamy asphalt, cold rivers, barefeet, church socials, biting into a fresh peach, baiting my hook, huge slices of ice cold ripe tomatoes, squeaky screen doors and snow cones. It made me long for all of these things and as I drove I hoped that one day my kids will be doing something that brings back similar feelings of nostalgia. I know some things are different now, but I have such rich and vivid memories...memories that connect me to things far beyond myself. These are the best kind.


Anonymous said...

I just have to say, you're such a magnificant writer. You do such an excellent job capturing the moment...and I thought I had it tough with 2 small boys. Right on Super mom! Thanks for letting us live vicariously through you. Keep it up!

Melissa said...

Ahhh, summer. It used to be lazy days, now I call it crazy days. I'm glad to know we're not the only family with a summer that is at high-speed. Blake has VBS this week for the first time, so I hope he will love it. Here's to a crazy yet fun summer that your kids will remember years from now as being some of the best times of their lives.

Jana said...

I'm sure your kids are filing away some great memories. You're too great a mom for them not to. :)

As for the VBS they forgot they were the workers and not the kids.

Hope the rest of your summer is great and wonderful and ya'll get some fun playtime in.

Melissa said...

By the way... I finally posted some pictures to my blog, so if you get a chance come by to see Blake!