Sunday, July 30, 2006

Politics and Mel

Wow..lots of crazy stuff going on in the world today. The fighting between Israel and the Hezbollah has really gotten me thinking about the end times. I know, I know...every time a major conflict occurs people start saying "this is it". I'm not jumping on that bandwagon. I just can't help but reflect on the books of Daniel and Revelation when I see what I'm seeing on the news. Frankly, it saddens me because I know that when we do get to the end, it's going to get a lot worse before it gets any better. As a Christian, I know I have nothing to fear for myself, but the eventual fate of the world distresses me greatly. I can't help but feel that the media isn't helping matters. They just keep reporting the same story over and over again...showing the same footage over and over again, just as the terrorists want them to do. Somehow the acts of the terrorists themselves get lost in the world's outrage at the usual suspects...the US and Israel. Forget how many missiles Hezbollah has fired into Israeli villages. Forget the horrible lack of respect for humanity these groups have shown in the past throughout the world. For some strange reason, the world just keeps giving these people the benefit of the doubt. The UN just passes ridiculous resolutions that they never intend to enforce and countries everywhere condemn the actions of a nation forced into fighting for self preservation. I don't like violence. I hate the thought of innocent people being killed no matter where they live. I'm not going to stand here and debate who has the right to do what and who has gone too far. I will say, though, that it distresses me that people just don't think anything is worth fighting for any more. Life, liberty, justice...they're all good when you have them handed to you. When someone else did all the fighting 50 or 200 years ago. When you don't have to take a stand and risk the wrath or condemnation of the world. When you can be PC and eat your white bread and apple pie and talk about peace with your mouth full. It's a whole different matter, however, when its you, your countrymen and a great big world that thinks you have no right to exist. Think about it.

Oh, and thanks a lot Mel Gibson. Finding out that my favorite actor was a drunk and an anti- semite in one day was not fun. Not fun at all.


Jana said...

All I can say is AMEN!

Melissa said...

Can you imagine how we would feel if there was some organization in Canada that was lobbing missles over the border into the US? I imagine we would respond just as strongly, if not more so. As far as Mel goes, I'm just sad. I'm always sad when a person that is held up in the media to be an example of Christianity falls--it just gives them ammo against Christians as a whole.