Friday, July 17, 2009


Okay, this post is really overdue but better late than never. We got a new puppy about a month ago and we just love him so much! He is part Yorkie-poo (part Yorkie, part Poodle) and he is now almost 12 weeks old. He is so fun and playful yet so very sweet at the same time. He is also extremely smart. Randy taught him to sit, lie down and "leave it" on command 3 weeks ago. He has been fully housetrained for almost 2 weeks now. Here are a few pictures of our little one!


Tuesday, May 19, 2009


Due to several questions regarding my new profile picture, let me start by addressing the most concerning one. No, this is not a picture of my colon, nor is it a picture of anyone's colon or any other internal organ. It is supposedly a black hole. I cannot prove that that's what it is since I simply found this picture on the internet, but I have no reason to believe otherwise. Why did I choose to represent myself with a picture of a black hole? Because I am melodramatic, that's why.

Black hole: an area in space with such a strong gravitational pull that no matter or energy can escape from it.

While this definition does sound a little like my mind, if it also sounds like your large intestines, you may want to check with a doctor.

Monday, May 18, 2009


Only 3 more days of school and less than a week until the beach. I need you, Destin FL! I need you sand! I need you ocean! I need you crab legs! I need you Back Porch and Callahan's and Jim N Nick's and Dave's Dogs and The Donut Hole and....okay I'm getting really hungry.

And yes BFF...I need you, too!!! I need to take a million pictures of our kids in matching outfits, roll my eyes every 60 seconds, and laugh until I pee my pants!!! Are you ready?

Monday, March 09, 2009

Dog Days

Let me preface this story by saying that my son is the most sensitive, sweet and loving little boy in the universe. Seriously. I mean, look at him. The eyes, the dimples, the smile. Look at his little finger and you'll see me (and some other people) firmly wrapped around it.

Once upon a time, this little angel loved him some animals. We have pictures of him snuggling up to puppies, cats, rabbits, horses, tiger cubs (not really) you name it. His little heart had room for all of them. His favorite toy was a stuffed border collie named Douglas that went every where he did. I was actually concerned we were going to have to end up getting some form of a furry pet just to satisfy him (click here and here to read about our past pet experience). That is, until this moved in next door.

About five seconds after this moved in next door, our world changed. Why? Because this elephant of a dog came racing out of it's new home baring its 6 inch razor-sharp teeth (not really), jumped over some 6 foot tall hedges (not really) and proceeded to knock a 3 year old Ethan to the ground (really). Ethan's world view of animals changed from that day forward. No longer did he want to pet our neighbor's dogs that would stop to pee on our mailbox. No more snuggling with Uncle James' puppies. In fact, wailing would ensue just upon spotting a dog, even if he was safely ensconced inside a vehicle. Now, 3 years later we are still dealing with the trauma he suffered that fateful day. Is that therapy I smell? Probably. Anyway, I digress. For the last 3 years every time we go to someone's house his first question is "Do they have a dog?" and if the answer is affirmative the child will not get out of the car until he has been assured that the monstrous beast has been constrained in some manner. Most of our friends already know to do this before we pull in the driveway. He will still linger in the front yard until we give him the all clear. Last night we were going to our friends' house and the predictable scenario played itself out. We go in and Randy goes back out to inform Ethan that Flick is put away. Flick is a 14 year old Jack Russell terrier who couldn't care less about Ethan or anyone else for that matter. Ethan is a little hesitant so Randy tells him again "Flick's been taken care of, son." Suddenly Ethan's little angelic face lights up and he looks up at his dad with is face full of hope and says...

"You mean...he's dead?"

Funny how sensitivity dissipates in the face of full-blown terror.

Friday, March 06, 2009

Funtastic Friday

Wow....I've been really serious in my last two posts. I think that's enough for this week, don't you? I'm feeling rather sarcastic and witty today so I fully expect this post to reflect that. Or not. I try not to have too many expectations of myself. I actually get more done that way. I go from "Woo-hoo! I don't have to do anything today except eat milk duds and watch the Discovery Channel" to "Well, I could actually lay down on the couch if all this laundry wasn't here." to "I'll just fold some to get it out of my way" to "Wow. I just accomplished something. Hey, I can be productive." Usually the feeling of being productive is enough incentive to make me do something else that's not borderline absurd. Compare and contrast that to my other option. I go from "Oh my gosh! The living room is a mine field. I better get to work" to "Oh look, there's an unread piece of literature under this shirt I was folding" to "Wow this is a good book" to "Oh well, it's not like the laundry is going anywhere." You get the drift. Anyway, today has been rather uneventful so far. Other than Ethan's panic attack in the car because he forgot a book, there's not much excitement going on. Of course, that's usually a good thing since excitement in this family usually means someone has been committed to the local mental institution, vomited anti-matter on the carpet, or managed to completely flush their college career down the toilet. You know...those kind of fun events. But hey, who's complaining?

Today I am actually feeling an urge to visit Hobby Lobby. I am thinking about sewing Hallie's Easter dress this year. So what if I haven't sewn anything since 6th grade 4-H? I think I can do it....with Alex's help. Hey, she has time now! Making lemonade, people...I'm good at it.

What's gotten into me? Homeschooling? Sewing? Watch out...I may be baking our bread soon instead of grabbing it off a shelf at Publix. Maybe I'm just subconciously preparing for the economic pit of poop that awaits us all. Or maybe I am just becoming very resourceful. Or maybe I'm just having fun.

I think it's the fun thing, too, but heck, the other two just sound so much better. I won't tell if you won't.

Thursday, March 05, 2009

Truer Words....

"Lots of people support our decision to homeschool. Some are quietly guarded. Others think we’re mentally ill. I vacillate between all three myself. Believe me, if you’re shaking your head reading this, I understand. If you think I’m a nutjob, I totally get it. If you think my kids will grow up to be weird, you’re probably right. And if you think I’m a freak? You’re right on the money.

But you know what? It works for us."

I found this quote on The Pioneer Woman. I love it. She may have just become my personal hero.

Wednesday, March 04, 2009

On Fire

This is my all time favorite song. I just wanted to share it because it is so powerful. My favorite lines...

"When everything inside me looks like everything I hate,
You are the hope I have for change
You are the only chance I'll take..."


Saturday, February 28, 2009

My Decision

Drum roll....

After much prayer, I have decided to home school next year. I know, many of you are wondering if I've lost my mind and while that is entirely possible, I don't think it has any bearing on this decision. This is something I really believe God is leading me to do and that alone is the best justification I can make. I feel as confident as I have ever felt about this decision. I struggled with it for a long time. I didn't want to do it. I would hear God speaking and I would argue with Him...

"Home schooling is for people with lots of time. With lots of patience. With lots of structure. With organization skills You did not give me. It's great for some, but not for me. My kids need school. I need my kids to be in school. Trust me, don't know them like I do (Ha!). When will I buy groceries? Fold laundry? Have a minute to myself? I can't do this. It's crazy!"

Trust me, I had all my reasons and it all made sense. Until I realized one doesn't matter if I think I can do it or not. I remembered that there is enough time in each day to get done what God requires. If I try to fill my 24 hours with what I think needs to be done, then 24 hours will never be enough...Sleep 8 hours. Wash and fold every piece of laundry. Prepare 3 healthy, yet tasty meals a day. Have my quiet time. Transport my children to various events and appointments. Make and consume a pot of coffee. Read a book. Keep a tidy house. Have a stimulating conversation with a few friends. Check email. Check Facebook. None of these are bad things. In fact, many of them are productive and useful. However if they are not what God expects of me then they are a waste of my time. What God really expects of me has nothing to do with what I feel like doing. It has everything to do with His purpose. At the end of the day, God is not interested in what I have accomplished. He's interested in what He has accomplished through me.

So I have resolved myself to do this even if it means we eat pizza twice a week. Or I don't get a shower every day. Or the pile of laundry gets even bigger. Or my Facebook status isn't updated daily. Why? Because I have an opportunity to be the most compelling human force in my children's lives and education. Because there are so many things that I want to teach them. Because these years are irreplaceable. Because He told me to...

and that is all the reason I need.

Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Better Late than Never...

Okay, I finally got the pictures from Hallie's birthday weekend downloaded. Here are a couple that show what a wonderful time we all had. I can't believe my baby girl is 9! That's halfway to 18. That's halfway to college. Scary!!! Anyway, enjoy these pics. They'll last longer than my little girl's childhood!

Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Your inner ear-your friend

Labyrinthitis sounds really cool, doesn't it? Well, it's not. While it may sound like the sequel to that David Bowie movie, trust's much less fun than that (believe it or not). I've spent the last 2 weeks dealing with varying degrees of vertigo as well as the side effects (zzzzzzzzzzz) of the medicine I have to take which is supposed to help. I suppose if you call falling asleep in a bowling alley, airport and various other public places helpful then it does it's job. Personally, I found it a little problematic. My stepdaughter visited from California but seriously, I hardly remember what we did. It's like a blur. I may as well have been drinking straight tequila all week. Actually, that's a pretty good description of how this whole thing has felt like. One long drunken stupor. I'm actually a lot better now but am wondering if and when this is ever going to go away comletely. Web MD says it can last 6 weeks or longer. Party on.

Monday, January 12, 2009


I got on my blog today to look for an old dessert recipe that I knew I had posted a few years ago. While searching for it I began to read some of my older entries. In doing so, I discovered a few things...

1. I haven't posted since last summer.

2. I could be wrong here, but I don't think anyone has really noticed.

3. I have a lot of freakin' posts on this thing covering various random topics.

4. According to my visitor tracker, I still have an average of 3 visitors a day.

5. To those three unknown people I have two things to say:
1.Thanks for your dedication.
2. Get a life.

6. I think I miss blogging.

7. I think I'll post once and see how it feels.

8. Feels pretty good.

BTW...the get a life commment was meant to be conveyed as lovingly as possible. Really!