Wednesday, February 01, 2006

My Man...

Well, I am not doing very well today. I am scared, worried and just generally anxious. The object of all this is my husband. He has been having some symptoms for a while now and I finally got him to make an appointment to see the doctor tomorrow morning. While I know that there is probably nothing seriously wrong, I can't help but worry. He is the type of person who just puts so much pressure on himself in pretty much everything and this stress is beginning to affect his health. Although he's not old, he is a 45 year old man who owns his own business, spends 8 hours a week on music for our church, and is still a very involved and loving father/husband. All of this adds up to a very demanding life, especially when you give 110% in everything you do. My main concern right now is not a heart problem or colon cancer, although my OCD mind is struggling with that. I just want to do everything I can to make life less stressful for him and I'm not sure how. Music is extremely important to him, not to mention his ministry, so that has to stay. He's in the office from 8:00 to 5:00, hardly taking time to eat until he gets home. He sits in front of a computer all day and the only exercise he is getting is playing with the kids when he gets home. He is very good at coming home and focusing on his family, but I know that all the worries are still inside him. After the kids are in bed is our time to be together to talk and relax. I know this helps, but I just wish I could do more. I know I will feel better when he sees the doctor and has all these tests done. Right now I am just focusing on taking care of him because I know that is what he needs. I took him a healthy lunch to the office today (soup, whole wheat crackers and fruit). I am going to try to do that often. I fully intend to pamper him when he comes home. He works so hard for us and is such a giving man. I just want to do the same for him. He is the most important person to me in this world and I need him to be healthy.

O.K., I guess that is enough of my freak flag for this post. I'll let you know how it goes. Oh, and if you're wondering if I am going to give up blogging, well, that ship has sailed! (i.e. no!)


Anonymous said...

it was reading through some of my old blogs, and i stummbled onto the comment you left on my site, i don't write on it anymore, and a lot of stuff that i had been going through has passed only through the grace of my lord and savior. but i just wanted to say thank-you for giving an encouraging word to a complete stranger when you didn't have to. oh your husband is in my prayers :)

Jana said...

Hugs and prayers, girl. I truly pray that your husband comes away with a clean bill of health. Sounds like you're doing the best you can to make his life easier but sometimes life just takes over and does as it will.

And I'm glad to hear that you aren't giving up blogging. ;-)

Unknown said...

I know what you mean about your husband Ernie is my life. I feel like I have to take care of him! It is scarry when you think something might be wrong with the man in your life.

Our prayers will be with him and you!
Thank you for deciding not to stop blogging!