Thursday, March 02, 2006

Randy's First Round of Tests

Hello all! Well, Randy has his endoscopy and biopsies today. Everything went very well. He does have a hiatal hernia which has been causing a lot of his gastric problems. They also biopsied several places in his stomach, but thankfully the doctor says that he doesn't think they are anything to worry about. We will find out in a week at his appointment. Although I am sure things are fine, please continue to pray for him. He has to wait over a month for the next round of testing.

I want to thank all of you for your responses to my last entry. The delurking alone (2 came out of the woodwork!) made my day! It's very heartwarming to know that I have people that I haven't even met rooting for me. And for you new commentors (or is it commentees?), please feel free to do so any time. Or not. Whatever makes you comfortable. I am just thankful to have some readers...especially such caring ones.

Okay, it's family movie night! Got to make the popcorn. A great evening to all and thanks so much!


Rachel Richard said...

I just prayed for you and your family. For strength, comfort and a wonderful doctor's report. From what I've read so far, you seem to be a pretty strong girl. Your husband is probably grateful for your courage. By the way, thanks for posting on Pixelated the other day. It means a lot. :o)

JWY said...

Thank you, Rachel. I am really feeling the love of blogdom this week. It's wonderful! You are very welcome for commenting on your blog. I hope you keep it up! I love reading it. Feel free to hop over any time.

Jana said...

You know you're in my prayers. Glad to hear that the tests went well. (((hugs)))